The Nice Street Art Project was founded in 2014 as a research project of the LIRCES laboratory with different partners. Since then it has been promoting and operating transdisciplinary research on street art through yearly events held in Nice (France) in both French and English. These events (international conferences and seminars along with exhibitions, interviews and publications) gather academics from all over the world as well as artists, curators, galerists, editors, and widely all people interested in street art.
NSAP also provides tools for young researchers (PhD and master’s students) to develop innovative studies on street art thanks to a specific collection of books in the university’s library and its own set of publications (conferences and seminars proceedings).
Le Nice Street Art Project a été fondé en 2014 au sein du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Récits, Cultures Et Sociétés (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis) dans le but d’initier une recherche transdisciplinaire bilingue français-anglais sur le Street Art.
Nos buts
animer des activités de recherche transdisciplinaires sur le Street Art
porter une attention particulière aux scènes européennes du Street Art
encourager les approches littéraires du Street Art
Nos activités
Colloques internationaux
Street Art. Contours & Détours (2015)
Poets on the Walls. Street Art & Poésie (2016)
Framing Street Art (2017)
Séminaires de Master et Doctorat
Street Art et Récit, en Europe et dans le Monde (2017)
Street Art en Europe (2018)
Framing Graffiti & Street Art, Lisbon, SAUC (2019)
Nos partenaires
Centre de Recherche d'Histoire des Idées EA 4318 (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Études de la Culture, Institut ACTE UMR 8218 (CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Centre Interlangues Texte, Image, Langage EA 4182 (Université de Bourgogne)
Street Art & Urban Creativity (Lisbon)
Le Grand Jeu (Paris)
GCA Gallery (Paris, Nice)
Fondateur: Edwige Comoy Fusaro
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